Welcome To The Home Of RJ’s World Lens & 757 Uplifters!
You will find my general ramblings (most often about self-improvement, love, and life), as well as content for both my RJ’s World Lens work and my 757 Uplifters work! You will also find content related to my podcasting for RJ’s World Lens and if you came here from Spotify, great! If you came here first, check out my work on Spotify! There will be plenty of photos and additional things posted to this website over time, and for the history of how RJ’s World Lens and 757 Uplifters came to be, please check out the ABOUT links on the website! Thanks for visiting, and remember:
“Perception isn’t always reality, and if the things you see with your world lens aren’t positive, there are lots of positive influences out there! Hope you find something good today!”

Through self-discovery, lifting others up, and continuous growth, we expand on what we know, strengthen our communities, and find opportunities that we once believed were not attainable.
Roger “RJ” Wallace

It is hard to realize the good within us and around us, without experiences!